
February 8-14, 2021

You are invited to participate in DouglassWeek, an online commemoration of Frederick Douglass’s journey to Ireland in 1845 taking place this week from 8-14 February. #DouglassWeek brings together students and researchers, historians, artists, musicians, poets, authors, singers, activists and community groups from Ireland and abroad to commemorate Frederick Douglass’s visit. Throughout the week, we will feature talks and “in conversation” events as well as other projects, performances, initiatives and contributions from the UK and the US. #DouglassWeek’s programming highlights the experience of Douglass and other abolitionists and explores issues like identity, migration and race in contemporary Ireland. It emphasizes the continued importance of remembering slavery and the intertwined struggle for independence and liberation in Ireland and the US.

The Harvard Club of Ireland is a partner of #DouglassWeek. All events are online and free of charge. Event information and registration link here: